Control and Risk Management System

The Silvateam Group has adopted an Internal Control and Risk Management System  which consists of a set of rules, procedures and organisational structures aimed at identifying, measuring, managing and monitoring the main risks to which the Group is exposed.

The creation, implementation and monitoring of the Internal Control and Risk Management System allows Silvateam to manage its business and internal processes in a coherent, effective and structured manner, preventing and/or limiting the risks arising from inefficiency, errors, frauds or violations of laws and regulations.

Each level of the organisational structure, from the Top Management, to the members of the control bodies to the employees, each of them within the scope of their function, must contribute to the definition, operation and monitoring of the Internal Control and Risk Management System. Within the scope of their competences, the heads of corporate functions or Business Units are responsible for the definition and proper functioning of the Internal Control and Risk Management System and they are required to share it with their employees.

Silvateam has an organisational structure which is responsible for verifying and promoting the continuous improvement of the Internal Control and Risk Management System. It has direct access to all the information necessary to carry out its tasks and has adequate means to carry out its mandate. The manager of this organisational structure reports on its activities to the Board of Directors of Silvateam S.p.A.