Key benefits of tannins in beers
Physical and organoleptic stability and yield improvement
Tan’Activ® GT used at different stages in the process has the unique combined benefits for both colloidal - and organoleptic stability as well as possible improved process yields which are shown in below. The usage of Tan’Activ® GT, early in the process, permits to protect the taste stability while obtaining also some early colloidal stability and possible increased brewhouse performance. If used at the end, before filtration, the focus is to achieve physical stability and less on taste stability (e.g. radicals will already have been formed) but we see still an impact when used with a Kieselguhr filtration as Tan’Activ® GTC will prevent any extra Fe3+ pickup. In any case, the brewer will always benefit from the three-fold effect.
- Reduction of LOX enzyme activity.
- Co-complexing of lipids.
- Reduction of certain aldehyde formation (e.g. phenylacetaldehyde, furfural, benzaldehyde).
- Metal ion co-complexing.
- Increased extract yield (fewer protein aggregates from thiol-containing proteins) up to 2%.
- Improved lautertun runoff rate (prevention of the formation of disulfide bridges, no formation of gels of ‘teig’) up to 30%.
- Early on protein correction in case of high protein malt (> 12%).
End of boiling / Transfer to whirlpool
- Pre-colloidal stability.
- Reduction of metal ions e.g. Iron, Aluminium, Vanadium.
- Radical scavenging.
- Increase antioxidant potential, reduction of light struck effect.
- Protection of hop polyphenols and prolonged bitterness.
- Increased whirlpool performance, better hot trop separation, more compact cone, more clear wort.
- Fewer tank bottoms, shorter maturation time and longer filter runs.
- Reduction of cupper finings and stabilization processing aids.
- Good colloidal stability.
- Reduction of metal ions.
- Increased organoleptic stability.
End filtration
- Very good colloidal stability.
- Most cost efficient stabilisation processing aid.
- Prevention of uptake of Fe-ions with Kieselguhr filtration.
- Efficient filtration with perlite for Kieselguhr free filtration.
- Possible lingering aftertaste effects reduction.
- Virtually no waste.
Perceived improved final beer quality: final shelf life prolonged for extra months!
- Prolonged stability of hop bitterness.
- Reduction of degradation of the unstable Trans-Iso alpha acids.
- Prolonged lag phase period of staling (40°C, 9 days ).
- Increased flavor Resistance Staling Value (RSV) of up to 30%.
- Lower Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA) values of up to 30% at 530nm (aldehydes).
- Very good Protein - Polyphenol values for beers with high pro-anthocyanidins in combination with PVPP.
- Clean and crisp taste!