Renewable sources
From the untreated wood comes clean energy and self-sufficient energy plants
Respect for the environment, the reduction of the carbon dioxide emissions and clean energy production are primary goals of our Group.
Silvateam’s commitment to the highest sustainability of processes and systems is also connected to strategies related to energy exploitation of the residual wood biomasses, a by-product of the tannin extraction. This is a wood which has been submitted to only one treatment in hot water at high pressure without modifying its chemical structure.
The wood residues are considered to be “renewable sources” which are compatible with the objectives of the Kyoto Protocol. They are used in the production of chestnut pellets for heating and to fuel the internal power station producing energy. The energy is used in the manufacturing plants of San Michele Mondovì (Piedmont, Italy) and La Escondida (Argentina) which make them 100% energetically self-sufficient.
This model is promoted by Silvateam, also through important projects started in Italy with some of the most important operators in the sector. These power stations are manufactured with the knowledge and technology that ensures the maximum security and a strict control of emissions. This allows the production of clean energy with important environmental and economic benefits for the local communities.